hello, my name is amy cherie sanborn

I am a believer in all that exists. In the good and the bad, in the truth that we are all able, and I am a believer in humanity. I am a part of this earth, brought here for a purpose–to care for myself and others. I am a stranger as well as a friend. I am a lover of all living, breathing, and moving things. I am human. I am a maker of mistakes with an open heart for forgiveness. I am a traveler in search of foreign places with an open heart for understanding. I am only human and human is what I am.

–written at the Bali Silent Retreat, November 24, 2014, Evolation Yoga Teacher Training, response to “who are you?”

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Miranda Ogle
    Oct 13, 2016 @ 02:36:50

    Hi! Im currently trying to decide where to study abroad next fall and Fiji is high on my list! I came across your blog and would love to hear how you thought your experience went if you dont mind! Thanks!



    • Amy Cherie
      Oct 13, 2016 @ 15:01:53

      Hey Miranda! Thank you for reaching out, my heart is filled with excitement to hear that you’re interested in Study Abroad. I’ll tell you this, Fiji changed my life. If you are considering it, go. I could go on and on, but I will say I highly, extremely, passionately recommend studying in Fiji. My email is amycherie93@gmail.com, definitely contact me if you have more questions. Peaceful blessings.



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